Dienstag, 29. April 2008

Merkwürdige Schönheit

Im Hafen von Antwerpen gibt es ein paar halb verlassene Dörfer zwischen den riesigen Industrieanlagen und Raffinerien.

Sonntag, 27. April 2008

Gardening on 40qm

We planted tomatos, vegetables and flowers this weekend. Our appletree is flowering and we had our first meal outside...

Mittwoch, 23. April 2008


Really looking forward to the outdoor season. That's the real thing.

Dienstag, 22. April 2008

Living in Antwerp

Have a look at this. If you want to live like Charles&Camilla.

Montag, 21. April 2008

Spring in Antwerp

Eventually we could spent time outside...

Garage sale

We came across a very sweet garage sale in two small villages the south of The Netherlands. Unfortunately we hadn't time to look around all the garages. But I found this rather odd biscuit box...

Freitag, 18. April 2008

Last year in Finland

Ein Kiosk (maskulin der Kiosk, Plural die Kioske, vor dem 18. Jahrhundert entlehnt über französisch kiosque von türkisch köşk, aus mittelpersisch koschk)

Donnerstag, 17. April 2008


This gorgeous doll was knitted by our 7-year old daughter. She brought it back from school yesterday. Isn't it the nicest thing you've ever seen?

Mittwoch, 16. April 2008

Happy Birthday Paul(ie)!

For almost 2 years he is living with us now. Can't imagine a life without him. We are having a party today.